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Media Engagement
& Policy Work
My goal as a sociologist is to connect theory and praxis in my research, so that ultimately best-practice findings can be implemented to improve approaches to addressing inequality and violence.
I have presented policy recommendations from my research on sexual violence and commercial sex to law enforcement, policymakers, service providers, and university personnel.
Additionally, previous research I conducted in Chicago was covered by major media outlets in both Chicago and Rockford, including television appearances, a press release junket, a public presentation of my policy findings, and on the radio:
Brooks, Marion. 2013. “‘Johns’ Create Brotherhood in Search for Online Sex: ‘Mongers’ Help Each Other Find Prostitutes, Rating them by Looks, Performance, and Attitude.” Television newscast and print report, Chicago 5 NBC News, January 11, 2013.
“Study Claims Rockford Ranks Second in Illinois Cities for Purchase of Sex.” Television newscast, WREX
13, NBC Rockford, January 11, 2013.
Moore, Natalie, “Study Sheds Light on Men Who Buy Sex in Illinois,” WBEZ News, Chicago, WBEZ91.5,
January 11, 2013.
“CAASE Out with a New Report on Prostitution in Illinois,” 95WLS-AM 890, Chicago, January 11, 2013.
Kolkey, Jeff. 2013. “Rockford’s Stepped-Up Efforts to Quell Prostitution Applauded.” Rockford Register
Star, August 24, 2013.
Braun, Georgette. 2013. “Advocates Say New Tactics Needed on Sex Arrests in Rockford.” Rockford
Register Star, January 20, 2013.
Braun, Georgette. 2013. “Rockford Ranked Second in Illinois for Posts on Site Where Men Buy Sex.”
Rockford Register Star, January 11, 2013.
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