
Research Interests: Sociology of Law, Sex and Gender, Education, Social Change, Indigenous Studies, Inequality, Work/Organizations, Qualitative and Mixed Methods.
My research on the problem of sexual violence takes an intersectional approach to understanding the social processes that help reproduce and challenge sexual harassment and assault, commercial sex trafficking, violence against sexual minorities, and other types of gender-based violence. By tracing the everyday hegemonic power of the law in people’s lives, my work highlights how the law acts as a social practice that both reflects and forms social structures. In doing this, I aim to inform efforts to close the gap between the types of social justice promised by the law “on the books” and social inequality in action.
My book manuscript, Forsaken Justice, examines how college campuses adjudicate sexual assault complaints, with particular emphasis on the competing legal jurisdictions at play.
Other Current Projects
A multi-campus survey and interview study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on college students' hookup behaviors, sexual consent and assault, and digital culture/social media. Read More
Co-authored study of the innovative adaptation of “problem-solving courts” to the adjudication of civil claims related to Title IX offenses on college campuses.